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  • Morristown Office 973-309-7050
  • Parsippany Office 973-404-7966
The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall

Morris County

NJ Criminal Defense Lawyers


Our team of skilled attorneys includes former County and Municipal Prosecutors with over 200 years combined experience and is available to assist you immediately.

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Theft of Services & Passing a Bad Check Charges out of Parsippany NJ Dismissed

Our office recently represented a Defendant who was charged with passing a bad check and theft of services out of Parsippany, New Jersey. The Defendant was alleged to have passed a bad check to a towing company in an effort to have them to release his truck. The tractor trailer had remained at the towing company’s storage facility for an extended period of time since the truck was damaged and on top of that the Defendant’s trucking company was located in Virginia. According to the “victims” in this case the Defendant attempted several times to retrieve his tractor trailer, however, according to them, the insurance company’s check had not cleared yet and each time the Defendant was denied his truck. As a result of all this mixup, the Defendant’s vehicle was incurring some serious storage fees. So once the insurance check cleared, the “victims” insisted that the Defendant pay additional storage fees and it is at this point in time that they claim the Defendant passed a bad check.

Once the “victims” went to the Parsippany Police Department the Defendant was formally charged with theft of services and issuing a bad check, both third degree felonies. Therefore, if convicted, the Defendant would be facing up to five (5) years in a New Jersey State Prison plus a $15,000 fine on each charge. Once the Defendant received the complaint in the mail and a notice to appear at his Central Judicial Process Hearing he contacted our office. He was able to provide our office extensive documentation which clearly showed that the “victims” were not forthcoming in their version of events, in fact, at times out right lying. Therefore, after extensive conversations with the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office, they agreed to administratively dismiss the charges at the Defendant’s Early Disposition Conference (EDC).

Experienced Morristown Criminal Defense Firm

So the Defendant went from facing up to a decade in prison to the charges being outright dismissed. In addition, under the new expungement laws in New Jersey the Defendant is eligible to have the underline arrest for this case removed from his record as well. If you or a loved one has been arrested and charged with a criminal offense like burglary, theft by deception, receiving stolen property, shoplifting or credit card fraud in Morris County, in towns like Morristown, Dover, Denville, Washington Township, Madison or Montville, we can help. Our office has over 200 years of combined experience on staff, including years of prior prosecuting experience. For a free consultation today, please contact our Morristown office directly at 973-309-7050.